Long COVID can make work challenging. Accommodations can make a difference.

May 22, 2024
In more than half of cases, workplace accommodations don’t cost an employer anything, according to one survey.
For many, long COVID is severe enough that it affects their ability to work. One study estimates about 700,000 people are likely missing from the labor force because of it.
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Economists used the business cycle to predict what's next. It doesn't work so well anymore.

Apr 23, 2024
Where's the recession? Changes like the pandemic crash and government funding programs have disrupted the expansion-contraction pattern.
Daenin Arnee via Getty Images

Protecting yourself from COVID-19 these days is hard. And it comes at a cost.

Mar 20, 2024
Governments and businesses need to invest in ways to prevent transmission, experts say, instead of leaving people on their own.
"We cannot rely on masking forever. We cannot ask people, even immunocompromised people, to mask for the next 100 years," says Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, a clinical epidemiologist.  Above, people with long COVID symptoms sit in on a Senate hearing about the condition.
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