Stories Tagged as
How a virtual fitness company is staying strong in a changing market
Mar 13, 2024
With people returning to physical gyms, Jeff Witherspoon, CEO of E2M Fitness, says doctors' advice to patients is boosting his service.
Filling office water cooler void, gyms make a comeback
Matt Levin
Nov 5, 2021
As people look to work out around others again, there's increasing foot traffic at gyms across the country.
Will the fitness industry see the usual New Year's bump?
Jan 1, 2021
People are "ready willing and able to work out," a personal trainer says. Makers of at-home exercise gear expect growth to continue.
Your local airport could be getting a gym soon
Andie Corban
and Amy Scott
Nov 28, 2019
There's growing demand for more health conscious airports, according to Alison Sider of the Wall Street Journal.
Younger workers are pushing for greater work-life balance
Jun 3, 2019
They're bringing self-care to work and pushing for more flexibility to have a life.
Is interconnected exercise the next big thing?
Erika Beras
Feb 28, 2019
Peloton, the seven-year-old maker of interconnected exercise machines, could go public in the coming year.
What the Equinox CEO knew about lifestyle branding before the rest of us
Kai Ryssdal
and Bridget Bodnar
Jan 23, 2017
Equinox CEO Harvey Spevak used to have to "defend against whether the gym business was a fad business." His fitness empire includes fitness clubs and Soul Cycle.
For public good, not for profit.
Why fitness is more than a $3 trillion industry
Kai Ryssdal
May 5, 2016
Staying fit has become a lifestyle ... maybe even a religion.
Orange you glad you're working on your fitness?
Ben Johnson
and Hayley Hershman
Jan 8, 2016
Orangetheory is the latest fitness trend with a tech twist.
Hey, young buff guys: make way for seniors at the gym
Jan 1, 2016
The fastest-growing group for gym membership is older people, the 55 and over crowd.