The U.S. exports more petroleum than it imports. So why are we importing at all?

May 13, 2024
It's largely about the chemistry of the oil and the mechanics of the refineries. In many cases, importing foreign crude is cheaper.
An oil pumpjack in Texas. Importing foreign crude oil is often cheaper for the United States.
Brandon Bell/Getty Images

Biden's release from petroleum reserve probably won't move gas prices

Nov 23, 2021
They're high because oil producers aren't ramping up supply quickly enough.
Oil producers' “incentives are all aligned to keep prices high," an expert says. "And that is going to create some real pain for consumers.”
Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images

"We're definitely counting on a comeback"

Dec 16, 2020
That's what the president of Mississippi-based Golding Barge Line says he's hoping for in the new year.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

Midland, Texas, and the oil industry prepare for a change in power

Nov 9, 2020
President-elect Joe Biden said he does not want to ban fracking outright, but producers in Midland are nonetheless preparing for more regulation.
Midland, Texas, is ground zero for fracking, an issue that's come under fire from environmental activists in recent years.
Montinique Monroe/Getty Images

Mexico's new president has an ambitious goal: end massive fuel imports from the U.S.

Dec 12, 2018
Mexico's new president wants to end massive fuel imports from the U.S.
Aerial view of an oil complex called 'Cantarell' of Pemex (Petroleos Mexicanos), in the Gulf of Mexico, off Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche State, Mexico.

Mississippi River basin gets D+ grade

Nov 2, 2015
The report cited failing infrastructure and concerns about water security.

100 uses for petroleum – and counting

Dec 18, 2014
Maybe we should be asking what isn't made from a barrel of oil.

For public good, not for profit.

A circular argument: How cheap oil affects tire prices

Dec 18, 2014
If oil prices fall, will tires cost less? The answers are far from black and white.