Business reactions to Biden Administration tariffs vary widely

Jun 26, 2024
Some businesses say the new tariffs will put them on a level playing field with Chinese exporters. Others see little advantage.
Biden is keeping many  Trump-era tariffs and introducing new ones, including lithium ion batteries, electric vehicles and feeding tube parts. 
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

New China tariffs have arrived. How do voters feel about them?

New polling data reveals that voters generally support tariffs more when they target China.
This week, President Joe Biden unveiled tariff increases for electric vehicle batteries, computer chips and more coming from China.
Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

How tariffs compare in the Biden and Trump eras

May 14, 2024
Both used tariffs to support American jobs and industries. But the Biden administration's have been higher and more targeted.
President Biden announced increased tariffs on Chinese products Tuesday. The current administration's levies are higher and more targeted than those under Donald Trump.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

How new China tariffs could affect prices for U.S. business owners, consumers

May 14, 2024
When tariffs increase, costs often go up for business owners, who often then pass some of those increased costs along to consumers.
The Biden administration worries that importing Chinese EVs will hurt U.S. manufacturers, said Howard Gleckman with the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.
Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

Once again: Who pays for tariffs on Chinese steel?

Apr 17, 2024
As the Biden administration proposes tripling duties, experts recall how previous tariffs mainly hit American consumers and industries.
President Joe Biden speaks to members of the United Steel Workers Union in Pittsburgh on Wednesday, announcing plans to raise tariffs on Chinese steel.
Jeff Swensen/Getty Images

The Biden administration is worried about Chinese cars — and the electronics that come with them

Feb 29, 2024
The administration says the electronics could transmit sensitive information about U.S citizens and infrastructure. But it's also worried about the impact of Chinese EVs on U.S. automakers.
BYD electric cars waiting to be loaded onto a cargo ship in China's Shandog province. The U.S. currently imposes a 27.5% tariff on Chinese-made vehicles.
STR/AFP via Getty Images

Economic issues at the annual CPAC meeting

Feb 19, 2024
At the annual meeting of right-wing thinkers, economic issues such as tariffs and government spending are expected to be discussed.
Former President Donald Trump is slate to speak at this year's CPAC and has already said he wants another round of tariffs.
Roberto Schmidt/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Higher tariffs may be bad for trade, but good for the environment

Oct 16, 2023
Recent research finds that higher tariffs on dirtier imports could reduce carbon emissions.
Steel production in the U.S. is a lot cleaner now than before the 1970s, thanks to the use of more energy-efficient electric arc furnaces. Above, a steel plant in Pennsylvania.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

U.S., Europe work to hammer out new agreement on tariffs

Sep 8, 2023
Remember those steel and aluminum tariffs that were supposed to target China but also pulled in Europe and Canada? Most of them still exist.
The Trump-era tariffs were imposed with the legal justification of protecting America’s national security. But they were also about protecting America’s steel and aluminum producers from cheaper Chinese imports.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

For this customs broker, the Section 301 China tariffs are still top of mind

Aug 23, 2023
The tariffs placed on over $360 billion of Chinese goods is still a chief concern for Gretchen Blough of Erie, Pennsylvania.
"People are looking for more supply chain solutions," says customs broker Gretchen Blough. Above, shipping containers at the Port of Los Angeles.
Mark Ralston/AFP via Getty Images