New drugs transform weight loss industry

May 9, 2024
Weight Watchers holds its annual shareholder meeting today, which includes a presentation by departing board member Oprah Winfrey.
Since weight loss drugs like Wegovy have come onto the scene, the weight loss industry has grown from $76 billion a year to nearly $90 billion in 2023.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

How a weight loss drug's approval could affect insurance premiums

Nov 10, 2023
The FDA's approval of Eli Lilly's Zepbound could signal more insurers paying for the use of such drugs. Demand is great so the costs could be big and push up premiums.
Eli Lilly’s newly FDA-approved weight loss drug, Zepbound, is priced roughly 21% lower than competitor Novo Nordisk’s Wegovy.
Eli Lilly

Oprah brings her own history to Weight Watchers

Oct 19, 2015
Winfrey brings 'humanity' to the brand, but could her ups and downs hurt it?

Can Oprah fix what's wrong with Weight Watchers?

Oct 19, 2015
The company faces a challenges, like DIY dieters.

The science – and the cost – behind weight loss

Mar 6, 2015
The FDA has approved a weight loss device that's similar to a pacemaker.

FTC cracks down on weight-loss products

Jan 8, 2014
The Washington Post’s Lydia DePillis explains the deceptive advertising around weight-loss drugs.

Dieting for dollars: Using money to motivate weight loss

Oct 18, 2013
Shedding those holiday pounds can be tough, but maybe a financial incentive can give you that extra push.

For public good, not for profit.

Boston 'Flab' Party

Apr 9, 2013
The year's almost up on the challenge from Boston's mayor for the city to lose one million pounds.

Weight loss products just got sexier

Apr 1, 2013
Weight loss plans like Slim-Fast and Weight Watchers are competing hard against free options like calorie-counting apps on smartphones.

Getting thin with a little help from friends

Jan 9, 2013
Dieters are taking fitness-tracking devices to a new level. They are creating virtual support groups by posting their "body data" on social media networks.
Dieters are taking fitness-tracking devices to a new level. They are creating virtual support groups by posting their "body data" on social media networks.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images