Stories Tagged as
Wind turbines
Here's what California's offshore wind industry might look like
Aug 1, 2024
In a patch of calm water off the Port of Long Beach, 1,000-foot wind turbines would be assembled before they're towed out to sea.
Offshore wind industry hammered by inflation, interest rates
Jun 17, 2024
Economics has frustrated efforts to expand the turbine fleet and meet clean energy goals. But the industry is adjusting.
Copper is so hot that a mining firm turned down a $39 billion takeover bid because it was too low
Apr 29, 2024
And the price of the metal is only likely to increase.
Keeping the world's largest offshore wind farm on track
Oct 18, 2021
Ahead of the COP26 summit in Glasgow, the BBC’s climate editor takes stock of one of the U.K.’s most promising green energies: wind.
A new wind turbine inspired by a palm tree, big as the Empire State Building
Jed Kim
Oct 22, 2018
Today's land-based turbines produce 5 megawatts of power. This new one could produce 10 times more.
A new wind turbine inspired by a palm tree, big as the Empire State Building
Molly Wood
Oct 22, 2018
Today's land-based turbines produce 5 megawatts of power. This new one could produce 10 times more.
How the Jones Act complicates offshore wind power
Jed Kim
Nov 23, 2017
Specialized European ships are designed specifically to install wind turbines out in the ocean, but they can’t dock in any U.S. waters to get the parts for the turbines. That’s due to the Jones Act, and it makes installing offshore wind power more expensive for the foreseeable future. Click the audio player above to hear […]
For public good, not for profit.
Wind energy brings Comanche County, Texas, a bit of hope
Andy Uhler
May 8, 2017
West Texas has always been a vast, desolate, windy place. Now the skies are filling up with turbines.
China taps faraway frontier for renewable energy
Rob Schmitz
Dec 2, 2015
The region of Xinjiang is China's new energy base. The challenge? Transmission.
Are wind turbines really that bad for birds?
Adriene Hill
Aug 17, 2010
Easy Answer: Yes. Somewhere between 58,000 and 440,000 birds each year die because of wind turbines....