More companies are adopting policies to support employees recovering from addiction

May 13, 2024
Nearly 50 million people in the U.S. have a substance use disorder, and most are in the workforce. Could employers take a bigger role in recovery?
Research shows that recovery-supportive workplace policies can reduce turnover costs, injuries, accidents and health care costs.
SDI Productions/Getty Images

The secret to using AI at work? "More chat and less bot."

Kian Gohar, AI researcher and CEO of Geolab, discusses his latest research on the impact of generative AI on teams in the workplace.
Sebastien Bozon/AFP via Getty Images

What to expect in the workplace in 2024

Dec 19, 2023
Work culture is going to be key as companies and employees settle into their remote/hybrid patterns. Watch out for the fallout from the election cycle on the workplace.
Frontline workers, like those in health care, have reported a high uptick in stress and mistreatment at work.
Kena Betancur/AFP via Getty Images

What the Supreme Court's ruling means for religious accommodation at work

Jun 30, 2023
The decision says that employers must accommodate employees’ religious observances, unless doing so imposes a 'substantial' burden on their business operations.
The case involved postal worker Gerald Groff, an evangelical Christian who requested Sundays off to attend church.
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Child care is a challenge for the many parents with unpredictable work hours

Jun 12, 2023
Nearly a third of parents don’t know their schedule more than two weeks in advance, and more than 25% need child care outside of traditional work hours.
More than a quarter of parents need care outside of traditional working hours, according to the Bipartisan Policy Center. But that can be difficult to find.
Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images

What did my Gen Z coworker just say?

Dec 26, 2022
Gen Z has developed its own way to communicate and is now bringing it into the workplace. But their use of language is leaving older colleagues bewildered.
Gen Z slang is making its way into the workplace, but sometimes older colleagues are struggling to understand.
Disobey Art/Getty Images.

What the worst states to work in have in common, according to Oxfam America

Sep 1, 2022
Low levels of worker protections correlate to a lower standard of living, researcher says.
A variety of factors unify the "worst" states for workers, according to Oxfam.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

After years of working from home, how has Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day evolved?

Apr 29, 2022
It started in the early '90s as a way to expose girls to their parents' professions. Boys are included now, too, and some say, it needs to broaden its approach even further.
Some parents began taking their children to work nearly 30 years ago to give them a firsthand look at their professions.
Tim Boyle/Newsmakers via Getty Images

More and more robots are working alongside us. What does that mean?

Feb 1, 2022
As the cost of human workers has risen, the cost of automation has fallen.
As the cost of human workers has risen, the cost of automation has fallen.
Oli Scarff/Getty Images

Why more companies are hiring heads of remote work

Oct 26, 2021
It's about company culture, performance management and lots of logistics.
With many companies embracing work-from-home or hybrid models, some are creating leadership positions to focus on the transition.
visualspace via Getty Images